Founded 1954

Meeting With MPD Chief Supt. Isagani Genabe Jr.

Photo By: Wilson Ong

Upon the instruction of FFCCCII President Dr. Alfonso Siy, Executive Vice President Angel Ngu and Vice President Domingo Yap accompanied the officers and members of External Affairs Committee to hold a lunch meeting with Manila Police District (MPD) Director, Police Chief Supt. Isagani Genabe Jr.,  and Meisic Police Station (PS-11) Commander,  Police Supt. Wilson Doromal on July 16, 2013 at Emerald Garden Chinese Restaurant. Also invited were MPD District Directorial Staff Chief, Police Senior Supt. Guilbert Cruz and Ermita Police Station (PS-5) Commander, Police Supt. Orlando Mirando.

        During the meeting, FFCCCII officers praised MPD District Director Genabe for his effort to improve the  traffic conditions in the City of Manila particularly along Recto and Divisoria Streets two weeks after he assumed his post. FFCCCII officers hoped that this condition will be maintained.  Director Genabe also vowed to improve the peace and order situation in the city.

        At the same time,  FFCCCII reported the recent snatching and robbery incidents along San Fernando Street to PS-11 Station Commander Doromal.  He agreed to assign policemen in the area regularly.  He will also request the footages of the said robbery incidents from the CCTV cameras of the Firefighters Association.

        Present during the meeting were External Affairs Committee Co-Chairman Nelson Guevarra, Vice Chairmen Eduardo Yao, William Li,  Gan Tiak Kheng, Carpio Ang and Tomas Valles with invited member Mr. Jimmy Cheng of United Daily News.

Upper Photo : from right  External Affairs Committee Chairman George Chua Cham, Meisic Police Station (PS-11) Commander,  Police Supt. Wilson Doromal, External Affairs Committee Adviser/Vice President Domingo Yap,  Manila Police District (MPD) Director, Police Chief Supt. Isagani Genabe Jr.,  Executive Vice President Angel Ngu and External Affairs Committee Co-Chairman Nelson Guevarra.

Lower Photo: External Affairs Committee officers and members with MPD officers. Standing from left: Invited Member Mr. Jimmy Cheng, Vice Chairmen Gan Tiak Kheng, William Li and Carpio Ang. Seated from left : Social Responsibility Project Chairman Antonio Cosing, Ermita Police Station (PS-5) Commander, Police Supt. Orlando Mirando. Co-Chairman Nelson Guevarra, Executive Vice President Angel Ngu, Vice Chairman Eduardo Yao, MPD District Director, Police Chief Supt. Isagani Genabe Jr.,  Vice President/Adviser Domingo Yap,  MPD District Directorial Staff Chief, Police Senior Supt. Guilbert Cruz,  Meisic Police Station (PS-11) Commander,  Police Supt. Wilson Doromal, Chairman George Chua Cham and Vice Chairman Tomas Valles.

Written By: Mercy


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